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Summer Sattvic Yogi Brunch

If you have been struggling with low energy recently then this session will be perfect for you to lift your energy and vitality levels

A sattva in sanskrit means "pure, essential, natural, vital, energy-giving, clean, conscious, true, honest, wise”

Sattva is one of the 3 gunas from Ayurveda The other 2 being tamas (dark, destructive, spoiled, ignorant, stale, inertia, unripe, unnatural, weak, unclean) and rajas (agitated, passionate, moving, emotional)

As we work with sattva we are raising our energy and therefore frequency.

The food will reflect this, light, alive and vital food.

The movement will reflect this. Kundalini yoga to raise the vibration.

The meditation will reflect this. Kundalini breathwork

The Sound bath will reflect this. High vibrational sounds.

11 August

Sunday Service. Stretch & Sound

21 September

Crystal & Oracle Card Day Workshop