Hi, I’m Rebecca

During a really tough time of my life where I felt totally lost, I decided to take up yoga. I went with the intention of getting fitter and more flexible, however, after a few months of practice I realised I was getting so much more out of it than just physical benefits.

First of all, I realised that for the whole hour I had not had a single conscious thought. What a lovely thing to have an hours break from the internal chatter!
I also loved that I would literally float out of the classes filled with a warm glow of inner peace. I then started more classes and eventually realised that this was my calling.

I decided to leave my comfort zone and travel to Koh Phangan, Thailand, to complete my yoga teacher training which was the most wonderful yet intensely challenging thing I had ever done in my life. I have since gone back several more times and worked with some of the most amazing healers and yoga teachers in the world.

From being a young adult, I have had a huge passion and interest in the human brain. I am intrigued by human nature. I have read hundreds of books, attended seminars and intensely researched over 30 years what makes us humans work the way we do. Through this and my yogic practice I have discovered how to find that inner peace and how being connected to our bodies and breath, together with nature and the universe as a whole, we can heal trauma and grow in ways I never dreamed possible. My aim is to share this with you through my continuous learnings.

“My aim is to bring healing through Yogic practice.
To introduce different healing modalities from around the world.
To create a safe place for people to bond with like-minded people and explore the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of regular practice.
To make yoga accessible and affordable to all”

I am not the most flexible of yogis, but I am happy and comfortable with this.
I love the journey that I am on and know I am always growing and developing.
I love that I have people that are sharing this journey with me.
I believe wholeheartedly in the healing power of yoga both physically, mentally and spiritually.
My main focus through my teaching is to help people disconnect from the thinking mind. My clients are mainly women and I am all about empowering these women.
I believe in community and I am told that my classes have a very nurturing maternal vibe.
I believe that my destiny is to translate the ancient teachings from the east and translate them into a less daunting, more easy-to-swallow practice.

See You on the Mat